Monday, October 11, 2010

In Monkeylike fashion

September 29th, 2010: For breakfast I stopped off at the central market to grab a sandwich for breakfast. Decided to be extra healthy today and instead of having a soda to wash down the nutrition…I chose to get some freshly squeezed juice. Walking up to the first juice stand, I noticed something that could have been a scene in the local zoo with the monkeys – no specific species of monkey…just monkeys. The scene looked a little something like this: A woman was hovering over her friend surrounded by a nice variety fruits and a blender…extremely focused as she was going through her friend’s hair with a pair of tweezers…picking out, something.

I can only assume it was lice that she was picking out in monkey like fashion. I decided to go over to the next stand to get my orange juice where the woman…didn’t seem to be as busy.

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