Monday, November 14, 2011

Large amount of blood loss…

November 14, 2011:  I was woken up at 3:30am at my hostel in Paraty by a mosquito that infiltrated my protective net, eating me as would a black widow would eat her loved one.  Taking a large amount of blood loss, it would be nice to now know my blood type in case I needed to make an emergency trip to the hospital.  I had just enough strength to turn on my headlamp to locate the son of a…beast.  After several failed attempts, I was finally able to smash her frail body between my two elongated fingers.

I don’t know if this is a precursor to what is about to come when I visit the Pantanal but later in the day I was again attacked by mosquitoes but this time it was in the bathroom as it seemed to be a kamikaze suicide mission of multiple squadrons.  About 30 of them went airborne coming at me from all directions.  Getting backed up into the corner it was either “shight” or “flight.” 

I needed to go to the restroom so there was no option but to stay, smacking my hands in the bathroom consecutively so many times, the people outside probably thought I was reliving a childhood nursery rhymes, “Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man.”  At the end of the battle, my hands looked as if I got into a fight by when seeing all the blood that was on them - assuming this was the blood of the mosquitoes’ previous victims arses as they would sit down on the toilet and get sodomized. 

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