My decision to not go and see the Brazilian side of Iquazu Falls wasn’t that I am against the Brazilian bikini wax. It was legally based because I needed a Visa and Cecile didnt.
After baby talking back and forth over the counter with the Paraguayan troll on Cecile’s behalf…it seemed that he was playing a game of “Simon Says.” Everyone but myself needed to cross the bridge and get a Brazilian entry stamp and exit stamp. The other Immigration officer sitting next to him was looking down shaking his head as he knew the others were being forced into playing a game nobody wanted to play…saying that he couldn’t do anything because “The Man” was his boss.
Due to the bus needing to continue its journey, I pulled our backpacks from underneath the bus at the border crossing. While standing with our packs we were informed that 3 of the 5 hippies received the magic stamp. Rushing back to immigration as the bus was pulling away…the soon to be fired Immigration officer applied the magic stamp after a little more begging and pleading.
Busting out the door as if we just robbed the place we stopped the bus as we tossed our bags back into the stomach of the iron beast and continued our trip into Paraguay.
A trend is beginning to appear…schedule more time when crossing the border in Paraguay, just in case you are potentially selected to play a forced game of “Simon Says.”
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