July 20, 2011: While visiting Colonia Pellegrini the past 5 days, we located a family of howler monkeys that had this habit of going out of their way so they can publicly go #1 and #2 in front of us voyeurs. There is nothing like taking photos of a monkeys sphincter as is opens and pushing out some hot steamy stink bombs while giving us golden showers.

Colonia Pellegrini has a whopping population of 1,000 people. I could not imagine living in a town that is this small in addition to being as flat as Iowa and marshy as Louisiana. To get here was not as easy as jumping on one bus. It was more like jumping on 5 buses including a nice nap at a bus station. From the bus over here we even caught a glimpse of vultures that enjoyed putting on a free aerial show resembling a slow moving tornado they floated above the trees in the distance.

Hiking, driving and boating around this place that contains all of this amazing wildlife, like the world’s largest rodent, caiman, spotted cats, otters, owls, armadillos, animals I dont know the name for, boring deer, piranha road kill and eagles without hair loss…made it worth our bus sores. Seeing certain animals in the wildlife that are not common for me in North America except for at the zoo…makes experiencing regions such as this, that more rewarding.
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