For some odd reason, when you desire something…it is plentiful. But, when it is time to act on your desires…you can’t find it. Walking everywhere in this town, I found nothing but a place with something that resembled a dried shriveled granny chicken.
Pretty much giving up, on the bus back to my hotel, I noticed a few rows of chickens speared horizontally. Quickly telling Cecile, we somewhat quickly decided to exit the moving bus…but I did so without telling the driver. Dropping someone off moments prior…I didn’t want to bother the driver to have him stop again, so I happened to make it out the door in stunt man fashion. It seemed as if the driver just pushed the Nitrous Oxide button under his dash prior to me taking my last step off bus. I somehow landed in a forced run, inches from some raised cement pylons - potentially painful raised cement pylons. Cecile was smart enough to wait for our driver to stop.
Mental Note: Don’t jump out of a moving bus…that has Nitrous Oxide.
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