March 18th, 2011: After 2 weeks being back in the US, I discovered that not much has changed over the past 23 months but the unfortunate increase in prices of a McDonalds value meal and that my sister, Aimee has lost her last name…dropping from a whopping 10 letters to a measly 4 - if she thought that bigger is better she would have never have made such a decision.

My sister’s wedding took place at a professional hockey game – a location only truly appreciated by those individuals from Detroit (aka Hockey Town) and of course by all maple leafed flag swinging Canadians. During the ceremony I tried to prevent my tears from falling, hoping they would freeze as I tilted my head back to contain the excessive buildup within the cavities of my eyes. With my sister now married off…I am the last one in my family that is holding out. Is it pickiness, my professional “Tramp” status, or is it fear? - I would like to say it is the first two of the three.
With my sister on her honeymoon in Vegas, I have her and my new brother-in-law’s house all to myself. I have not yet capitalized on being alone with the ability to run around the house stark naked staining the couches when I take a seat.
With plenty disposable time, I have been doing what I have wanted to do for the longest time…vegetate. Yes…that is correct, vegetate. I have miraculously taken form of a giant albino-like green bean, lounging around on the floor in front of a fireplace, burning what hairs I have left on my body too resting my beans on a wonderfully comfortable couch. Renting a massive amount of non-pirated videos from Redbox I am attempting to catch up with Hollywood, feeling as if I am almost caught up with what I have been missing…which is…nothing.
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