Sunday, January 10, 2010

If it is not one thing, it is always something else

January 2nd, 2010: Quickly making it to my tent from across the street in a panic, I at once asked my friend for help. I was afraid that someone was going to enter the restroom I just left…before I was able to drown my children. With no running water I resorted to dumping half of the drum of saltwater from outside the front door which was apparently set up for this sole purpose. With a toilet that had an undiscovered cup lodged inside, it was still a difficult task seeming as if my unwanted children took some unauthorized swimming lessons while they were inside on me.

After resolving this issue, I tried to take a shower and noticed that the pipes lead to nowhere. Was this a sick joke or it is this the aftermath of someone stealing plastic pipes? Realizing that the pipes really didn’t lead to anywhere, I had a short lesson on how to toss a light bucket (much too small to lay in) into the depths of a cement storage tank to pull up fresh water for a bath. At first, I couldn’t seem to get it to sink, only bringing up enough water to perhaps bathe a pet hamster. Being told to throw it harder, I listened and finally brought up a huge bucket of water with a minor problem…I cracked it, realizing that this was the reasoning of my short term success as the water would quickly drain out onto the dessert sand.

Standing there, I remembered how I recently internally complained about having to take cold showers…but now, I would be happy with a cold shower as long as I had running water. Same as the toilet…in the past I whined about having no toilet seat and now, all I want is a toilet that flushes. How does that saying go? - If it is not one thing, it is always something else.

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