Friday, January 29, 2010

Dealing on the streets of Caracas

Moving up in the world, today I made my first large deal after roaming the streets for a bit in Caracas. I was so nervous as I asked the man behind the desk if he wanted to buy any US dollars as I looked around speaking very softly. Asking me how much, I told a sizable amount. Saying that he has a few friends that might be interested and asked for me to come back later...I hesitated and agreed, later thinking that those friends will be meeting me before or after the transaction down the street.

Later in the day I went back making sure my shoes were tied and ready to run. Thinking I would arrive an hour early, I would mess up any imaginary plan that they had in place. After I used the negotiation skills I acquired at Marriott getting about a half percent more, he went in back to get the money. As he placed the stacks of money on the table, I had to internally laugh at how big the stacks were, having no clue on where this money was going to go. My pants are already tight enough with the extra sock roll I am carrying - laughing. Placing it in a secret spot...I quickly made my way back to the hotel. There I tossed the money on my bed and rolled in it for hours upon hours feeling as if I just won the lotto - get over twice the amount of money I would have received from the bank. As I was building up a sweat I figured it was time to put it all away and go out and celebrate. Time to get crazy and get an ice-cream and a soda! Oh yeah!!!!