Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gee, I love hindsight…but not dirty condoms

February 25, 2012:  Double checking everything to make sure I didn’t leave anything behind before I checked out of my posada…I found something under one of the two beds.  It was a rouge condom and I know it wasn’t mine.  It was nasty but if I left it…then it would be assumed it was mine, and who happened to be the only other person in the room with me?  My first night here, I shared the room with a Brazilian backpacker whom I met on the bus after it broke down.  Oh…did I forget to mention the Brazilian backpacker was a guy?

Yep…not needing any false speculations, I grabbed it with tissue paper and flushed it.  Flush after flush, it went nowhere.  It sat there, floating proudly at the top of the bowl - proudly.  It wasn’t going anywhere so I needed to go in and now retrieve it.  Grabbing toilet paper again, I pulled it out of the bowl and put it the only other place I could think of besides my pocket and that was in the water tank behind the toilet.

Thinking about it now…why didn’t I just tell them to check under the beds because a condom was there?  Gee, I love hindsight. 

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