Monday, April 9, 2012

The beach of the future…Plastic Bottle Beach

April 9, 2012:  I went to an amazing air show this afternoon, displaying 1000s’ of tethered aircrafts along the seawall in Georgetown…looking like confetti frozen in the air.  This city is internationally famous for its aerial show it has the day after Easter Sunday.  Wikipedia states the history of this practice is not entirely clear but it might be symbolic of the Risen Lord.  Asking around a bit, it now seems more a tradition to fly kites and have a family picnic than a religious day.  Since I had some extra time, I thought that I would count them…finding it hard to recall where I left off after a necessary blink from time to time to moisten my dry eyes - not to mention being meaningless after I passed 1025 kites, hence 1000s’.

Most kites here were the simple handmade kites that were purchased off the street.   For those with just a little more money to spend on a kite, you could personalize it and have one plastered with stickers.  Yes, it is normal to see a 5 year old kid holding a kite with such famous characters such as Mickey Mouse or Dora the Explorer, but not so normal when the stickers are of a women wearing a bikini in questionable positions.
One group of individuals had built a wooden framed kite that was at least 18 feet tall and 12 wide.  When I saw it go up I knew it would not be long before it came crashing into the ground as it needed more speed and a larger area than a cricket field.  When the 8 overweight men reached the edge of the fence, with no more space to run…the gigantic kite began to do a dive without any possibility to come out of what was inevitable.  My eyes and my grey piece of internal matter were quickly calculating where the point of impact was going to be.  If my calculations were correct…the large wooden kite was going to miss the crowd of people and smash into one of the cars parked in the field.  The excitement grew…I was about to witness what damage a kite of this mammoth proportions can do to a new car.  5…4…3 seconds till impact…2…1 – BOOM!!!!!  It missed – I sometimes really hate being wrong.
I discovered a wonderful beach of empty plastic bottles while walking along the seawall.  As far as I could tell, there was not a single message in any of them.  With more and more plastic bottles being produced daily, this is the beach of the future.  There is nothing like burying your kids on the beach with plastic bottles or building a plastic castle. The plastic bottles are much less dangerous and dirty for the fragile kids of today – playing in the sand is so 70’s anyhow.

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