Yes, I might have lost a few games in my life in Yahtzee and I might not be champion of the world…but, with the skillz (yep, that is not a typo) that I do have, I could perhaps make a living off of it from fellow backpackers and friends that I meet in my travels.
I don’t say this without the numbers to back it up. Just within the past week I was able to continue to hold my championship title for Australia and I just added a new country to the list…Spain. I am not saying that they were easy to beat since they did challenge me…some. I am just saying that I am that good.
Now, I just need to start putting something tangible down so that when I win, there is something for me to gain. Perhaps I can first start off gambling for small items like coffee, tea, fake sugar tablets. But over time, work my way up to malaria pills or even McDonald vouchers. My goal would be to one day be playing on ESPN’s Yahtzee championship in Las Vegas so that I can be the one of the elite Yahtzee players sitting around a table supporting some strongly tinted aviators playing for millions.
Yahtzeeonline.org states that, “Currently at least 50 million games are sold each year.” With this many games in circulation, how could there not be a Yahtzee championship? Where is Don King when you need him? Yes, the average age of this hypothetical championship might be 12 years old, but really…it wouldn’t be taking candy from a baby…it would be more like taking money from a baby.
Until this happens, I will continue to practice whipping my friends. When they are tired of losing, I will just have to play it online. The best part of playing it online is that it will let me work on speeding up my decision making process if it one day becomes a timed event such as in the silly game, Chess.
If all fails with becoming the definition of Hustler that I am striving for…I guess I could resort to prostitution. Since I don’t care too much for bars, I could fill in the niche and be the small-time operator that solicits in coffee shops.
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