Saturday, May 1, 2010

Even the Virgin Mary loves Colombia...and perhaps Vegas too!

April 26th, 2010: Taking a 12 hour bus ride through some spectacular landscape, my friends and I finally arrived to the town of Ocana to attend a child´s 3 year old birthday party. I am saddened to announce that at this party I discovered that the walking, talking potty trained mouse known as M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E has also invaded this peaceful remote place.

While here in Ocana I was able to go to the same exact spot the Virgin Mary came to see while she too visited Colombia. This is actually my second VMS (Virgin Mary Sighting) location I have visited in Colombia. Why didn't Mrs. Mary ever decide to stop off at my house to pay a little visit? Better herself on a piece of toast which I could sell on EBay for a nice hefty sum. Needless to say...the Virgin Mary has seemed to made a quite a few visits, turning small towns instantly into tourist attractions. This is could be a good way to increase tourism in any city, no matter the size. I am surprised Las Vegas didn't think about this to increase tourism - but, I suppose as the slogan goes...what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

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