Of course I saw a multitude of penguin nudist colonies, crackling ice, treacherous penis shrinking water and was even fortunate enough to see the cartoon, “Happy Feet” which screened one night on the way back to human civilization. Obviously there was also a variety of birds, seals, sea whales and land whales in which miraculously through evolution are now able to walk on land with an extreme likeliness to humans. From weaving between icebergs, decrepit pale walking human corpses, living and dead hollowed out penguins, birds and sea lions…there were all memorable experiences for me to see.
The ship was not filled with the human colony of grey hairs in which I originally expected. Minus those few walking corpses, a lot of the people were rather young with many of them supporting much more head hair than me – whether it is natural or has pubic or back origin, I don’t know. Remember that my definition of “young” is fluid, in which is now...44 years old with an error margin of 5 + years with an upward trend the older I get. Of coarse there are exceptions to this definition, but this is just a general rule of “piggy that went to the market” – aka: your big toe.
My time on the boat when not on land, ice or in a Zodiac was filled with a variety of lectures in which I struggled to not sleep through and even worse…facially leak through - but was somewhat inevitable due to little hours of sleep and from the peaceful – at times extreme, rocking of the boat.
Being fed to the point of worrying about some potentially vicious self imposed stretch marks, I successfully packed down loads of amazing food, doubled up on desserts and heavily worked at attempting to empty three bottomless cookie jars that were available from 12:00am to 11:59pm. Toward the end of the trip I came to the conclusion that I will never be able to embark any sort of boat for a trip around the world without unintentionally creating job security for the medical industry that specializes in premature obesity.Late nights of high school level discussions drawing out tears of laughter was something in which I didn’t expect from this expedition but truly enjoyed as my maturity dropped me to an age that I am unwilling to disclose.
Now that I am back on land, unable to go any farther south since it has already been done, I need to begin to make my way north. It is not that north is the only direction to go…I can think of two other directions…west and east. But for now heading north is my only option since my sister will be getting married in the next few weeks. I will be taking a 3.5 month break from traveling in South America and will be traveling around the US and Canada visiting family, old and new friends that I met along the way.
Returning to Buenos Aires in Argentina at the end of June, my South American journey will continue…but to where? This I don’t know…but starting March 4th, my North American journey will begin.