Getting to the bus company that transported me and the stinky bodies to Torotoro was an adventure in itself. I was dropped off in what the locals call the call “Red Zone” which was the wrong spot, resulting in me roaming the dark, dirty not so safe streets with everything I have at 5:40am in the morning. After bumping into several people that fit the profile of a thief, murderer and a male rapist…I eventually retreated to the confines of a taxi figuring it was safer to be with one criminal instead of many.
To locate the bus company, it took: a series of questions dispersed to random people roaming the streets who gave me all but the right answer, banging on a window of a bus that contained one drugged up bus driver that could barley sit up and finally the right answer came from a boy that I woke up out of his comatose state of sleep who was making an empty bus his temporary apartment.

This was the second president that I have ever seen in person - the first one being from the US. It really doesn’t matter as from what county a president is from…a president is a president and I could feel his power as he passed me. I should have tried to give him a hug to show him that us folk from the North aren’t all that bad since he is not so fond of the US…but I thought it would not make the man containing an undercover earpiece and the concealed handgun not too happy – even though getting around him would have been extremely easy to do.
Avoiding the “rapists” (Reminder: Rapist =Travel Agency) this week, I managed to find my own tour guides and arranged my own accommodations, meals and transportation costing me around $40USD for the same version of the trip where the travel agency wanted to charge me $380USD for 3 days/2 nights. Staying a few days longer, I saw everything you could see here in Torotoro and still saved hundreds. When you organize things yourself, you don’t have to be rich to travel for an extended period if you have the time, patience and are willing to flexible - not a contortionist, just flexible.

Tomorrow I am off to another small microtown, trying to get myself closer to Carrasco National Park. This park should be much more easier to get to, and into…I hope.
Please remember to open up the photo albums on the right hand column and read some of the captions. This keeps me from having to write 1000s upon 1000’s of unnecessary words since as that one saying sort of goes, “a picture can say a 1000 words.”